Get structure of UDT tables in VB.NET

While looking for an answer I saw this question: ADO.NET Get UDT columns from SQL Server 2012? but it remains unanswered. In short, this is my question, but the context is below.

I have a SQL Server 2012 stored procedure that takes two Table Parameters (TVP) that I want to call from VB.NET (now 3.5, but I'm not married to that). I used SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters

to define the parameters of my stored procedure:

cmd1 = New SqlCommand()
cmd1.Connection = oCn2 ' assume properly connected to database
cmd1.CommandText = "uspInsertTestData"
cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure


My stored procedure looks like this:

ALTER Procedure [dbo].[uspInsertTestData]
        @Processor varchar(20),
        @TRes [dbo].[TestResultsType] READONLY,
        @EXSetup ExtraTestSetupType READONLY,
        @ErrNum int OUTPUT,
        @ErrString varchar(300) OUTPUT
-- ... stuff


And my UDT table types look like this:

CREATE TYPE [dbo].[TestResultsType] AS TABLE(
    [ResultValue] [sql_variant] NULL,
    [ResultInfo] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [ResultUnits] [char](20) NULL,
    [PassedTest] [varchar](15) NULL,
    [TestName] [varchar](30) NULL,
    [TestTypeName] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [MinLimit] [float] NULL,
    [MaxLimit] [float] NULL,
    [UUTTemperature] [float] NULL)

CREATE TYPE [dbo].[ExtraTestSetupType] AS TABLE(
    [FieldName] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [FieldValue] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [Units] [char](20) NULL)


The call DeriveParameters()

fills cmd1.Parameters

in as expected and I can also identify two types of UDT tables: Parameters.TypeName

indicates that they are, in fact, types of UDT tables - this code:

Debug.Print("parameter [" & p.ParameterName & "]: SqlDbType=[" & _
      p.SqlDbType().ToString() & "]: TypeName=[" & p.TypeName() & "])



parameter [@Processor]: SqlDbType=[VarChar]: TypeName=[]
parameter [@TRes]: SqlDbType=[Structured]: TypeName=[LMUTesterData.dbo.TestResultsType]
parameter [@EXSetup]: SqlDbType=[Structured]: TypeName=[LMUTesterData.dbo.ExtraTestSetupType]
parameter [@ErrNum]: SqlDbType=[Int]: TypeName=[]
parameter [@ErrString]: SqlDbType=[VarChar]: TypeName=[]


All that said, questions:

1: Is there a way to CHECK columns of UDT table types? All the examples I have studied will use DataTable.Columns.Add()

to add COLUMNS to the data before passing them as parameters to a stored procedure. Ideally, I would like to use a value Parameter.TypeName

to retrieve the structure of the UDT.

2: If the answer to 1 is "NO" when I use it DataTable.Columns.Add()

to build the structure of my UDT, should it be in ONE ORDER like the UDT itself? Given the UDT definition for TestResultstype

above, it's okay to do:

DataTable dataTable = new DataTable("TestResultsType"); 
dataTable.Columns.Add("ResultUnits", GetType(string)); 
dataTable.Columns.Add("ResultInfo", GetType(string)); 
dataTable.Columns.Add("ResultValue", GetType(float)); 
dataTable.Columns.Add("TestTypeName", GetType(string)); 
dataTable.Columns.Add("UUTTemperature", GetType(float)); 
dataTable.Columns.Add("MinLimit", GetType(float)); 
dataTable.Columns.Add("MaxLimit", GetType(float)); 


3: The only way to do it is to implement it as a CLR (Common Language Runtime) assembly?


source to share

1 answer

Private Function DataTableForServerType(ByVal Connection As SqlConnection, ByVal ServerTypeName As String) As DataTable

    Dim SanitisedQualifiedTypeName As String

    Using cmd = New SqlCommand()
        cmd.Connection = Connection
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
        cmd.CommandText = "select top (1) quotename(schema_name([schema_id]), '[') + N'.' + quotename([name], '[') from [sys].[types] where [name] = parsename(@type_name,1) and [schema_id] = isnull(schema_id(parsename(@type_name,2)), [schema_id]) and [is_table_type] = 1;"
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@type_name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 128).Value = ServerTypeName

        SanitisedQualifiedTypeName = CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), String)

        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(SanitisedQualifiedTypeName) Then
            Throw New Exception(String.Format("Table type '{0}' does not exist or you don't have permission.", ServerTypeName))
        End If
    End Using

    Using ada = New SqlDataAdapter("declare @t " & SanitisedQualifiedTypeName & "; select * from @t;", Connection)
        Dim res As New DataTable


        Return res
    End Using

End Function




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