What does the <id> value indicate to run a Maven plugin?

A Maven item <plugin>

has an item <executions>

that contains multiple items <execution>

. Each element <execution>

can have an element <id>

containing a string. What are the links to those items <id>...</id>

? What does it mean to skip this item? What is the semantics of the element <id>


For example:



What are these values <id>default-jar-execution</id>

and <id>extra-jar-execution</id>

? What is the behavioral difference in changing any of these lines? What does it mean to remove these elements?


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1 answer

The element id

has two functions:

  • Documentation
  • Let Maven know when you want to create a new execution and when you want to modify an existing one.

The first case is simple: it just lets you give a meaningful name.

The second case means that Maven has standard executions, which you can see, for example, at startup mvn help:effective-pom

. If you want to replace / extend an existing performance, you need to use the same one id

. Then Maven will merge them.

See http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-configuring-plugins.html#Using_the_executions_Tag

Executions of the same identifier from different POMs are merged.



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