Function similar to head () in Matlab

I'm just trying to figure out if there is a Matlab

simple equivalent head()

in R

? It should display / print the top 5 lines of the array. So the following is giventable

var1 = transpose(1:6);
var2 = transpose(2:7);
aa = table(var1,var2);


I'm looking for a funtion xx

that produces the same as:



ans =

var1    var2
____    ____

1       2   
2       3   
3       4   
4       5   
5       6   


something like:



I could of course continue to use the indices above, but it would be more convenient with a function. I have used head()

extensively in R



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3 answers

If all you want is the top few lines, just type mydata[1:5,]


I am using the following toy from some someone :-) cgwtools

package that allows you to specify how many items to display and has the ability to skip multiple items if needed. Anyway, I decided not to keep the dimensions to make it easier to explore the object list

. Feel free to use this code and modify it (for example, remove the part that returns the last elements numel

if you only want the head of your data).

short <-function (x = seq(1, 20), numel = 4, skipel = 0, ynam = deparse(substitute(x))) 
    ynam <- as.character(ynam)
    ynam <- gsub(" ", "", ynam)
    if (is.list(x)) 
        x <- unlist(t(x))
    if (2 * numel >= length(x)) {
    else {
        frist = 1 + skipel
        last = numel + skipel
        cat(paste(ynam, "[", frist, "] thru ", ynam, "[", last, 
            "]\n", sep = ""))
        cat(" ... \n")
        cat(paste(ynam, "[", length(x) - numel - skipel + 1, 
            "] thru ", ynam, "[", length(x) - skipel, "]\n", 
            sep = ""))
        print(x[(length(x) - numel - skipel + 1):(length(x) - 




Here are two functions equivalent to head () and tail () in R. You can simply copy / paste the source code into the .m file and save it in the directory you want:

function head(data, varargin)
%head - displays the first n rows of an array
% Syntax:  head(data, n)
% Inputs:
%    data - data to display (table, double)
%    n - number of rows (integer, optional input)
% Author: Daniel A. Brodén
% KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Osquldas Väg 10, 100 44, Stockholm
% email:
% Website:
% August 2015; Last revision: Aug-2015
% Define parser object
p = inputParser;

% Required inputs
addRequired(p, 'data')

% Default values
default_n = 10;                                 

% Optional inputs
checkInt = @(x) validateattributes(x,{'numeric'},{'integer','positive'});
addOptional(p, 'n', default_n, checkInt)

% Parse inputs
parse(p, data, varargin{:})

% Conditions
if size(, 1) < p.Results.n
    error('Not enough rows')

% Return


Code for the tail

function tail(data, varargin)
%tail - displays the last n rows of an array
% Syntax:  tail(data, n)
% Inputs:
%    data - data to display (table, double)
%    n - number of rows (integer, optional input)
% Author: Daniel A. Brodén
% KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Osquldas Väg 10, 100 44, Stockholm
% email:
% Website:
% August 2015; Last revision: Aug-2015

% Parser object
p = inputParser;

% Required inputs
addRequired(p, 'data')

% Default values
default_n = 10;

% Optional inputs
checkInt = @(x) validateattributes(x,{'numeric'},{'integer','positive'});
addOptional(p, 'n', default_n, checkInt)

% Parse inputs
parse(p, data, varargin{:})

% Conditions
if size(, 1) < p.Results.n
    error('Not enough rows')

% Return
data((size(data,1)-p.Results.n + 1):size(data,1),:)




You can simply write:

aa(1:min(5, end), :)


Or create a function that does the same



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