Is there a more compact way to return the deferral using an AngularJS function inside a function?

I have this function that I use to call $ http, do some code, and then revert to success or reject a promise.

function getActions() {
    var self = this;
    var defer = this.$q.defer();
        url: '/api/Action/GetActions',
        method: "GET"
        .success(function (data) {
            // Other code here for success
            self.Actions = data;
            return defer.resolve();
    return defer.promise;


I would like to simplify this by simply doing something like:

    return this.$http({
        url: '/api/Action/GetActions',
        method: "GET"
    })... etc


But if I do this, I may not be able to get any code in success.

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to simplify the code?


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3 answers

function getActions()
    var self = this;

    var promise = this.$http({
        url: '/api/Action/GetActions',
        method: "GET"

    promise.success(function (data) {
       // Other code here for success
       self.Actions = data;

    return promise;




you can use

function getActions() {
    return this.$http({
        url: '/api/Action/GetActions',
        method: "GET"
    })... etc
    self.Actions = data;
    // other stuff on success as well


I personally like your original approach, although it allows multiple then / success / fail blocks (one of which happens after the HTTP request and one additional that you can set in your returned promise). I actually use this approach all the time, although it is a little longer.



The success

and methods error

added to the promise returned from $http

are not standard then

or catch

chain-of-promise. If you are using then

, you can hook promises as standard:

function getActions() {
  var self = this;
  return this.$http({
    url: '/api/Action/GetActions',
    method: "GET"
  }).then(function(response) {
    // Other code here for success
    self.Actions =;
    return response;


My advice is to simply ignore the existence of success

and error

and use then

and catch




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