Chrome extension warning: "login" is not allowed for the specified platform

I want to be able to read focused text input when the hotkey is pressed and pass the text after replacing some characters. Here is my manifest.json:

"manifest_version": 2,

"name": "EasyFa",
"description": "This extension easily convert mistyped English sentences with keyboard in English mode or vice versa.",
"version": "1.0",
"icons": {
    "48": "48.png"

"background": {
    "scripts": ["main.js"],
    "persistent": false

"commands": {
    "convert-text": {
        "suggested_key": {
            "default": "Ctrl+Shift+0",
            "windows": "Ctrl+Shift+0"
        "description": "Convert text"
"permissions": [


And here's the warning:

When trying to install this extension, there were warnings:
"input" is not allowed for the specified platform.

I searched for the warning message but couldn't find any related threads on the net! What's wrong?


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1 answer

If I understand your question correctly, you are not using Chrome OS.

"Use the chrome.input.ime API to implement a custom IME for Chrome OS." from

All you need is to set "tabs" in "permissions" and remove "enter".



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