Prediction with as.POSIXlt / ct

good day

I read on one of the posts here that "the forecast function :: plot.forecast is not intended to be used with the .Date axis or the .POSIXct axis (which are not used in the forecast package)". This can be seen here: Custom Axis Labels Displaying Forecast in R

However, they managed to use the forecast package and some code to get the correct axis labels. However, this example is for quarterly data. Also, this example here using "as.POSIXlt" is for weekly data: Time Series Forecasting

I've tried playing around with the code, but I can't seem to get it to work for monthly data. So my axis labels are still wrong. I'm stumped. Please could you please advise how I will get the axis labels to reflect correctly using the projection package?





So the axis labels come out as 2013.0, 2013.5, 2014.5

I know this is only a year. I'm just wondering how to correct the axis labels for monthly data,

Regards D


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1 answer

Here's a possible solution using the links provided

plot(forecast(fit), axes = FALSE)
a <- seq(as.Date(date[1]) + 1, by = "months", length = length(date) + 11)
axis(1, at = as.numeric(a)/365.3 + 1970, labels = format(a, format = "%m/%Y"), cex.axis = 0.9)
axis(2, cex.axis = 0.9)


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