What does the term "@" mean in Razor syntax?

The stuff I've read usually uses phrases like "use the @ symbol here to indicate the beginning ...", but I want to know how to name such a character. A coworker suggested the word "token" but I don't think it is correct.


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1 answer

Looking briefly at the source code, the Razor team seems to refer to it as a Jump Symbol .

In SyntaxConstants :

namespace System.Web.Razor.Parser
    public static class SyntaxConstants
        public static readonly char TransitionCharacter = '@';
        public static readonly string TransitionString = "@";


Also in HtmlSymbolType.Transition :

namespace System.Web.Razor.Tokenizer.Symbols
    public enum HtmlSymbolType
        Transition, // @


However, I doubt you can officially call it "Transition", it is more like a parser's internal term to denote context switches (like HTML to C # and vice versa).



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