Collinearity after accounting for random / mixed effects

can two or more predictors become more / less collinear after accounting for random effects?

In my case, I tested collinearity before modeling, for example. using VIF and checks everything. However, the ranking (use of IP) of the different models makes me doubt whether it can actually be shared between the predictors.

Any ideas?

ps! Can someone with a higher rep than I add a more relevant tag like collinearity?


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1 answer

There are several solutions in this blog post . They use some code to create a function that will compute the VIF for model objects lmer

and lme

from packages lmer

and nlme

R, respectively. I copied the code for the function below.

vif.lme <- function (fit) {
    ## adapted from rms::vif
    v <- vcov(fit)
    nam <- names(fixef(fit))
    ## exclude intercepts
    ns <- sum(1 * (nam == "Intercept" | nam == "(Intercept)"))
    if (ns > 0) {
        v <- v[-(1:ns), -(1:ns), drop = FALSE]
        nam <- nam[-(1:ns)] }
    d <- diag(v)^0.5
    v <- diag(solve(v/(d %o% d)))
    names(v) <- nam
    v }


Once you run this code once, you can execute a new function vif.lme

in the R environment. Below is an example of using a random dataset and an uninformative random effect. I am using a non-informative random effect so that the results lme

internally nlme

will generate the same parameter values โ€‹โ€‹for the predictors as lm

in the base R. Then I use the above code to calculate the variance inflation rates and also the vif

functino from the package car

that is used to calculate the VIF for the linear models to show that they give the same result.

#make 4 vectors- c is used as an uninformative random effect for the lme model

#model a as a function of b1 and b2, and c as a random effect
fit<-lme(a~b1+b2, random=~1|c,data=test)
#see how the model fits
#check variance inflation factors

#create a new regular linear regression model and check VIF using the car package.
#answers should be the same, as our random effect above was totally uninformative
fit2<- lm(a~b1+b2,data=test)
#check to see that parameter fits are the same.
#check to see that variance inflation factors are the same




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