Android USB HID requires and frees up an interface around bulktranfer?

Now I am talking to the HID Android USB host with the device. I have one read point and one write in one interface. On android host i am doing

UsbInterface        Intf       = _usbDevice.getInterface(0);
UsbEndpoint         Ep         = Intf.getEndpoint(1);
UsbDeviceConnection Connection = _usbManager.openDevice(_usbDevice);

Connection.claimInterface(Intf, true);

Connection.bulkTransfer(Ep, data, data.length, 0);



So, for writing, I require: interface interface -> transfer -> release -> close

For reading purposes, I am doing the same on a different thread.

Do I need to open, request, release and close an interface every time I read or write on one of the two endpoints (both endpoints in the same interface)? Or can I open, request, release, and close at the beginning and end of my program, and during the program lifecycle, read and write to endpoints without asking and releasing every time around bulktransfer?


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1 answer

In my case (LG G4, Android 5. *), I have defined the private statics of all the objects needed (UsbDeviceConnection, UsbEndpoint, UsbInterface, etc.).

I am doing all the progress that Android has written on the usb host page .

After initialization is done, I use queue () and requestWait () on the endpoints to communicate with the initialized device until the user releases the device.

So I don't think you need to always do your chain: declare interface interface -> transfer -> release -> close ...



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