Reject UIActionSheet programmatically in iOS 8, screw UIApplication windows / keyWindow


I need to programmatically reject the UIActionSheet when the app goes into the background, and what I did in iOS 7 was to traverse [UIApplication sharedApplication].windows

and find a view that has a type UIActionSheet

and then reject it. It doesn't work in iOS 8.


In iOS 8, UIAlertController

should be used to represent warnings or action sheets, and a bit experiment shows that it is UIActionSheet

internally implemented with UIAlertController


po [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] <_UIAlertControllerShimPresenterWindow:

po [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController] <_UIAlertShimPresentingViewController: 0x7faa0cf049f0>

po [[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController] presentedViewController] <UIAlertController: 0x7faa0c8cb9e0>

Who has the correct title, message, etc.


Then I added code to reject the controller and it rejects it. However, the application is now unresponsive to any user interaction and I found that after rejecting, keyWindow

still _UIAlertControllerShimPresenterWindow

, then I am confused, shouldn't reject the presented controller, clear its window? Or is it because it only rejects when the app goes into the background, so the window hierarchy is not in a normal state, so things get confusing?

Can anyone provide some opinions?



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1 answer

At first I was stumped. From the view controller I present after I rejected the action, I called it asssuming, this will fix this issue:
[self.view.window makeKeyAndVisible];


Doesn't work completely. ShimPresenterWindow is still the main window.

So, I came up with another idea. Once you miss the alertController, paste in the following code:

NSString *windowDescription = NSStringFromClass([window class]);
        if ([windowDescription isEqualToString:@"_UIAlertControllerShimPresenterWindow"]){
            window.hidden = YES;


When combined with the creation of the main window, the visible file successfully removes the action sheet from the main view. Please note that I am not sure if this leads to memory leaks of any kind.



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