Verbose word Bash Script Arguments passed to a separate screen

I am trying to use a very small bash script to send commands to a separate screen on Linux.
The screen is currently off and I can send commands to the screen using the bash script below.

screen -S "detachedscreen" -X stuff $COMMAND`echo -ne '\015'`


The problem occurs when the argument contains more than one word.

Adding single quotes or double quotes around the argument does not solve the problem.

When multiple word arguments are sent to a separate screen, it throws the following error.

-X: STUFF: invalid option firstArgument


How can I send multiple word arguments to bash without throwing this error?


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1 answer

Your question is unclear, but it looks like your arguments should be properly separated. If they are shell commands, you can use a semicolon as well as a newline. If the receiving program requires newline-separated input, then first of all you need to do the correct quoting in your script:

screen -S "detachedscreen" -X stuff "$COMMAND"`echo -ne '\015'`


which can also be refactored to accept multiple arguments:

screen -S "detachedscreen" -X stuff "$@"$'\015'


and of course you need to pass the commands separated by newline like

yourscript "hello


If you want your script to always insert a newline between arguments, you can say

yourscript hello buy more beans


you can also do this:

commands=$(printf '%s\n' "$@")
screen -S "detachedscreen" -X stuff "$commands"$'\015'


If every command should have a DOS carriage return, try

commands=$(printf '%s\r\n' "$@")
screen -S "detachedscreen" -X stuff "$commands"


Now if you want a string with spaces in it, just specify it

yourcommand hello "buy more beans"


will send hello

, then buy more beans

on one line.



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