Selecting top N values ​​within a group in a column using R

I need to select the top two values ​​for each value of the [yearmonth] group from the next data frame in R. I have already sorted the data by account and yearmonth.How can you achieve this in the following data?

 yearmonth  name    count
1   201310  Dovas   5
2   201310  Indulgd 2
3   201310  Justina 1
4   201310  Jolita  1
5   201311  Shahrukh Sheikh 1
6   201311  Dovas   29
7   201311  Justina 13
8   201311  Lina    8
9   201312  sUPERED 7
10  201312  John Hansen 7
11  201312  Lina D. 6
12  201312  joanna1st   5



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3 answers

Or using data.table

( mydf

from @jazzurro's post). Some parameters

  setDT(mydf)[order(yearmonth,-count), .SD[1:2], by=yearmonth]



   setDT(mydf)[mydf[order(yearmonth, -count), .I[1:2], by=yearmonth]$V1,]



   setorder(setkey(setDT(mydf), yearmonth), yearmonth, -count)[
                                          ,.SD[1:2], by=yearmonth]
  #    yearmonth        name count
  #1:    201310       Dovas     5
  #2:    201310     Indulgd     2
  #3:    201311       Dovas    29
  #4:    201311     Justina    13
  #5:    201312     sUPERED     7
  #6:    201312 John Hansen     7




Here's one way:


mydf %>%
    group_by(yearmonth) %>%
    arrange(desc(count)) %>%

#  yearmonth        name count
#1    201310       Dovas     5
#2    201310     Indulgd     2
#3    201311       Dovas    29
#4    201311     Justina    13
#5    201312     sUPERED     7
#6    201312 John Hansen     7



mydf <- data.frame(yearmonth = rep(c("201310", "201311", "201312"), each = 4),
                   name = c("Dovas", "Indulgd", "Justina", "Jolita", "Shahrukh Sheikh",
                         "Dovas", "Justina", "Lina", "sUPERED", "John Hansen",
                         "Lina D.", "joanna1st"),
                   count = c(5,2,1,1,1,29,13,8,7,7,6,5),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)




Using the R base, you can do something like:

# sort the data, skip if already done
df <- df[order(df$yearmonth, df$count, decreasing = TRUE),] 


Then, to get the top two items:

df[ave(df$count, df$yearmonth, FUN = seq_along) <= 2, ]




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