Or to understand the different behavior in 2.9 and 2.10

Scala 2.10 seems to have updated for comprehension for Libo. At 2.10:

scala> val a = Right(5)
a: scala.util.Right[Nothing,Int] = Right(5)

scala> for {aa: Int <- a.right} yield {aa}
<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Int => Int
 required: scala.util.Either[Nothing,Int] => ?
          for {aa: Int <- a.right} yield {aa}


In paragraph 2.9.3 above, everything is fine.

scala> val a = Right(5)
a: Right[Nothing,Int] = Right(5)

scala> for {aa: Int <- a.right} yield {aa}
res0: Product with Serializable with Either[Nothing,Int] = Right(5)


Very easy to fix by simply removing the type for aa in 2.10. But I am wondering why the behavior changes as such between 2.9 and 2.10.


source to share

1 answer

This is due to the fact that you open a bug that adds withFilter

even if it is not required. To explain this, a short introduction:

In the 2.10

compilation below c -Xprint:typer

is given

for {aa <- a.right} yield {aa}

Temp.this.a.right.map[Int](((aa: Int) => aa))

 //for below
for {aa:Int <- a.right} yield {aa}

a.right.filter[Nothing](((check$ifrefutable$1: Int) => (check$ifrefutable$1: Int @unchecked) match {
  case (aa @ (_: Int)) => true
  case _ => false
})).map[B](((aa: Int) => aa))


This is obviously a mistake in the second case. Because in short you are doing Option[scala.util.Either[Nothing,Int]].map((aa:Int) => aa)

, which is a mistake, since it expects the card over Either

and not Int


In Scala 2.9.3 , for both of the above cases, it gives:

a.right.map[Int](((aa: Int) => aa))


The 2.10

added sentence with-filter

. From the spec for understanding :

The translation scheme is as follows. At the first stage, each generator p <- e, where p is not irrefutable for type e is replaced by

p <- e.withFilter {case p => true; case _ => false}

In your first case p

Irrefutable (Point-1 in spec) so no withFilter is added. In your second case p

Irrefutable (dot-2, so withFilter

shouldn't add. Error.

Similar reading: Why should a filter be defined for pattern matching in a for loop in scala?



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