Yii2 transition add new column to table

Using the migration feature in Yii2, I am trying to add a new named column 'authorization_key'

to the table 'users'

. My up

-function is this: My original function run

was this

 public function up()
     $this->createTable( 'users',   [
         'id' => 'pk',
          'username' => 'string UNIQUE',
          'password' => 'string'



and on startup ./yii migrate up

 after the ./yii migrate/create

table was created.

But after adding $this->addColumn('user', 'authorization_key'for', 'string UNIQUE');

, i.e. new up


public function up()
         $this->createTable( 'users',   [
             'id' => 'pk',
              'username' => 'string UNIQUE',
              'password' => 'string'

         $this->addColumn('user', 'authorization_key'for', 'string UNIQUE');


and I ran

 ./yii migrate up 


it didn't work and didn't create a new column but it was showing

No new migration found. Your system is up-to-date.


How do I add new columns to a table using migration or what is the error here? Am I missing some commands here?


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1 answer

The created migration was marked as done (check the table migration in your database). If you want to add a new column to this table, you need to migrate and run it again, or create a new migration.



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