Get all keys from play.api.libs.json.JsValue

I need to store keys play.api.libs.json.JsValue

in a list. How do I do it?

var str = ???                        //json String
val json: JsValue = Json.parse(str)
val data=json.\("data")
println(data)                       //[{"3":"4"},{"5":"2"},{"4":"5"},{"2":"3"}]
val newIndexes=List[Long]()






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1 answer

If you want to get all keys in json, you can do it recursively with

def allKeys(json: JsValue): collection.Set[String] = json match {
  case o: JsObject => o.keys ++ o.values.flatMap(allKeys)
  case JsArray(as) => as.flatMap(allKeys).toSet
  case _ => Set()


Please note that the order is not retained, as values

in JsObject

there Map


Another option is to use Seq

fields in JsObject

instead of using keys


def allKeys(json: JsValue): Seq[String] = json match {
  case JsObject(fields) => ++
  case JsArray(as) => as.flatMap(allKeys)
  case _ => Seq.empty[String]


This way you will get the first order of all keys in the json object.



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