Pad leads zeros in multiples of x using std :: cout << std :: hex

There are many questions as to how to use a fixed number of leading zeros when using C ++ streams with variables that we want to represent in hexadecimal:

std::cout << std::hex << setfill('0') << setw(8) << myByteSizedVar;


My question is about how to do this for not a fixed width, but a multiple of some fixed amount - probably 8 for the obvious reason that when comparing outputs, we might want to:



To make it easier to match widths for comparison (ok, the top is larger, but try a bitwise comparison in your head? Easy to get confused.)



Nice, two bytes lined up nicely and neatly. Except we only see 7 bits - it's not immediately obvious (especially if it was 15/16, 31/32, etc.), which may have caused us to mistake the upper for a negative number (assuming signed).

All is well and good, we can set the width to 8 as above.

However, when matching the following, for example a 32-bit word:



This may be more unnecessary, depending on usage, or even misleading when dealing with hardware where the top number actually has no context in which the 32-bit word should be.

I would like to automatically set the width of the number to a multiple of 8, for example:

std::cout << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << setWidthMultiple(8) << myVar;


For results like:



How is this possible with standard libraries or minimal amount of code? Without something like Boost.Format



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2 answers

How about this:

template <typename Int>
struct Padme
    static_assert(std::is_unsigned<Int>::value, "Unsigned ints only");

    Int n_;
    explicit Padme(Int n) : n_(n) {}

    template <typename Char, typename CTraits>
    std::basic_ostream<Char, CTraits> & operator<<(
        std::basic_ostream<Char, CTraits> & os, Padme p)
        return os << std::setw(ComputeWidth(p.n_)) << p.n_;

    static std::size_t ComputeWidth(Int n)
        if (n <         0x10000) { return  4; }
        if (n <     0x100000000) { return  8; }
        if (n < 0x1000000000000) { return 12; }
        return 16;

template <typename Int>
Padme<Int> pad(Int n) { return Padme<Int>(n); }



std::cout << pad(129u) << "\n";


With additional work, you can provide versions with different digit group sizes, different numbers, etc. And for signed types, you can insert std::make_unsigned

functions into the template pad




There is no immediate support because it involves more than one input value (if I understand what you are asking for correctly). The only solution that comes to mind is to use std::max

to find the largest value and then print out the number of digits you want, say using a table:

struct DigitCount
    unsigned long long maxValue;
    int digits;
static const DigitCount digitCount[] =
    {        255UL, 2 },
    {      65535UL, 4 },
    {   16777215UL, 6 },
    { 4294967295UL, 8 },


and looking at the width in it.



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