Unable to read exact line-separated text

I am working on reading a highlighted PDF document using PDBox. I was able to read the selected text in one line with both single and multiple words. However, I could not read the selected text line by line. Please find the following code example to read the highlighted text.

PDDocument pddDocument = PDDocument.load(new File("C:\\pdf-sample.pdf"));
List allPages = pddDocument.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
        for (int i = 0; i < allPages.size(); i++) {
            int pageNum = i + 1;
            PDPage page = (PDPage) allPages.get(i);
            List<PDAnnotation> la = page.getAnnotations();
            if (la.size() < 1) {
            System.out.println("Page number : "+pageNum);
            for (PDAnnotation pdfAnnot: la) {
                if (pdfAnnot.getSubtype().equals("Popup")) {

                PDFTextStripperByArea stripper = new PDFTextStripperByArea();

                PDRectangle rect = pdfAnnot.getRectangle();
                float x = rect.getLowerLeftX() - 1;
                float y = rect.getUpperRightY() - 1;
                float width = rect.getWidth();
                float height = rect.getHeight() + rect.getHeight() / 4;

                int rotation = page.findRotation();
                if (rotation == 0) {
                    PDRectangle pageSize = page.getMediaBox();
                    y = pageSize.getHeight() - y;

                Rectangle2D.Float awtRect = new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height);
                stripper.addRegion(Integer.toString(0), awtRect);
                System.out.println("Annot type = " + pdfAnnot.getSubtype());
                 System.out.println("Getting text from region = " + stripper.getTextForRegion(Integer.toString(0)) + "\n");
                 System.out.println("Getting text from comment = " + pdfAnnot.getContents());




When reading the selected text line by line, the pdfAnnot.getRectangle () function returns the minimum area of ​​the rectangle around the text. This produces more text than is required. I have not been able to find any API for getting the exact selected text.

For example: Text extracted from test PDF file.

Anyone, anywhere, can open a PDF file . All you need is free Adobe Acrobat

Reader . Recipients of other file formats sometimes cannot open files because they

do not have applications used to create documents.

Use case 1: Read the first bold text i.e. PDF . No problem when reading text selected on one line. Correct text will be printed like this:
 Output: Retrieving text from region = " PDF "

Use case 2: Reading the second bold text, i.e. Adobe Acrobat reader that spans two lines. In this case, the extracted text when you run the above program:
Output: Retrieving text from region = " Anyone, anywhere can open a PDF file. All you need is a free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Recipients of other file formats sometimes cannot open files because what they are . "

The getRectangle () API gives the coordinates of the smallest rectangle surrounded by the selected text. Hence, it is more text than "Adobe Acrobat Reader".

  • How to find the start and end points of the selection in the selection area.
  • How to find out the number of lines in the extracted area.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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1 answer

I was able to extract the selected text using the following code.

// PDF32000-2008
// 12.5.2 Annotation Dictionaries
// 12.5.6 Annotation Types
// Text Markup Annotations
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "unused" })
public ArrayList<String> getHighlightedText(String filePath, int pageNumber) throws IOException {
    ArrayList<String> highlightedTexts = new ArrayList<>();
    // this is the in-memory representation of the PDF document.
    // this will load a document from a file.
    PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(filePath);
    // this represents all pages in a PDF document.
    List<PDPage> allPages =  document.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
    // this represents a single page in a PDF document.
    PDPage page = allPages.get(pageNumber);
    // get  annotation dictionaries
    List<PDAnnotation> annotations = page.getAnnotations();

    for(int i=0; i<annotations.size(); i++) {
        // check subType 
        if(annotations.get(i).getSubtype().equals("Highlight")) {
            // extract highlighted text
            PDFTextStripperByArea stripperByArea = new PDFTextStripperByArea();

            COSArray quadsArray = (COSArray) annotations.get(i).getDictionary().getDictionaryObject(COSName.getPDFName("QuadPoints"));
            String str = null;

            for(int j=1, k=0; j<=(quadsArray.size()/8); j++) {

                COSFloat ULX = (COSFloat) quadsArray.get(0+k);
                COSFloat ULY = (COSFloat) quadsArray.get(1+k);
                COSFloat URX = (COSFloat) quadsArray.get(2+k);
                COSFloat URY = (COSFloat) quadsArray.get(3+k);
                COSFloat LLX = (COSFloat) quadsArray.get(4+k);
                COSFloat LLY = (COSFloat) quadsArray.get(5+k);
                COSFloat LRX = (COSFloat) quadsArray.get(6+k);
                COSFloat LRY = (COSFloat) quadsArray.get(7+k);


                float ulx = ULX.floatValue() - 1;                           // upper left x.
                float uly = ULY.floatValue();                               // upper left y.
                float width = URX.floatValue() - LLX.floatValue();          // calculated by upperRightX - lowerLeftX.
                float height = URY.floatValue() - LLY.floatValue();         // calculated by upperRightY - lowerLeftY.

                PDRectangle pageSize = page.getMediaBox();
                uly = pageSize.getHeight() - uly;

                Rectangle2D.Float rectangle_2 = new Rectangle2D.Float(ulx, uly, width, height);
                stripperByArea.addRegion("highlightedRegion", rectangle_2);
                String highlightedText = stripperByArea.getTextForRegion("highlightedRegion");

                if(j > 1) {
                    str = str.concat(highlightedText);
                } else {
                    str = highlightedText;

    return highlightedTexts;




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