Path induction meant

This is the next question Getting induction to work at Agda

I wonder when this design could be more expressive. It seems to me that we can always express the same thing:

f : forall {A} -> {x y : A} -> x == y -> "some type"
f refl = instance of "some type" for p == refl


Here Agda will do path induction, given an example that is the same as c : (x : A) -> C refl

from this question:

pathInd : forall {A} -> (C : {x y : A} -> x == y -> Set)
                     -> (c : (x : A) -> C refl)
                     -> {x y : A} -> (p : x == y) -> C p


This function seems to be isomorphic:

f' : forall {A} -> {x y : A} -> x == y -> "some type"
f' = pathInd (\p -> "some type") (\x -> f {x} refl)


Are these two ways ( f

vs pathInd

) the same in terms of power?


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2 answers


is just a dependent rectifier. Here's an isomorphic definition:

  J : ∀ {α β} {A : Set α} {x y : A}
    -> (C : {x y : A} {p : x ≡ y} -> Set β)
    -> ({x : A} -> C {x} {x})
    -> (p : x ≡ y) -> C {p = p}
  J _ b refl = b


That being said, you can define various functions on _≡_

without pattern matching, for example:

  sym : ∀ {α} {A : Set α} {x y : A}
      -> x ≡ y
      -> y ≡ x
  sym = J (_ ≡ _) refl

  trans : ∀ {α} {A : Set α} {x y z : A}
        -> x ≡ y
        -> y ≡ z -> x ≡ z
  trans = J (_ ≡ _ -> _ ≡ _) id

  cong : ∀ {α β} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} {x y : A}
       -> (f : A -> B) 
       -> x ≡ y
       -> f x ≡ f y
  cong f = J (f _ ≡ f _) refl

  subst : ∀ {α β} {A : Set α} {x y : A}
        -> (C : A -> Set β)
        -> x ≡ y
        -> C x -> C y
  subst C = J (C _ -> C _) id


But you cannot prove the uniqueness of proofs of identity from J

, as described in [1]:

  uip : ∀ {α} {A : Set α} {x y : A} -> (p q : x ≡ y) -> p ≡ q
  uip refl refl = refl


So you can express more with Agda pattern matching than with just a dependent rectifier for _≡_

. But you can use the option --without-K


{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality  

uip : ∀ {α} {A : Set α} {x y : A} -> (p q : x ≡ y) -> p ≡ q
uip refl refl = refl



now does not check the typecheck, throwing this error:

Cannot eliminate reflexive equation x = x of type A because K has
been disabled.
when checking that the pattern refl has type x ≡ x





To give the short answer: you're right, Agda pattern matching implies the existence of a path induction primitive. In fact, it has been shown that in unit type theory, dependent pattern matching is equivalent to the existence of inductive primitives for inductive types and the so-called K-axiom:

Recently, it has been shown that the (latest implementation) of Agda's --without-K option restricts pattern matching to be only equivalent to having inductive primitives for inductive types:

Full disclosure: I am a co-author of the latest work.



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