Laravel: use Eloquent to get data from both tables?

In the controller, I would like to pass only one variable with the column specified from the parent in it. Now I am using

View::make('store.product')->with('products', Product::find($id)


My question

1. Is there a better way to do this using Belongsto?

2.If can do it, does it work with Hasmani?

This is my table structure.


id | name
1  | 'John'



id | user_id |  title
1  |    1    | 'Chill'  
2  |    1    |  'Mad'



id | design_id | price
1  |     1     |  20  
2  |     1     |  30


And the model will be like this

Product belongs to Design , Design belongs to User


source to share

1 answer

Add a way for your users, for example your projects that the user has;

public function designs(){


For model models add the following methods:

public function user(){

public function products(){


For your product model

public function design(){


They will establish relationships that allow you to load data into your models.

It can be done like this;

$variable = Product::with('designs')->find(1); //This will load the product with the related designs


If you want all projects and users owned by projects to do the following:

$variable = Product::with('designs', 'design.user')->find(1); //This will load the designs that relate to the Product and include the user that that design belongs to on the Design model.


Use the following to access properties:

$variable->designs //This will return a collection of all the designs.
$variable->designs->first()->user //This will return the user model that the design belongs to.


Information display example;

@foreach ($variable->designs as $design)
    {{ $design->user->username }}


Please note, I have not tested this code.



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