Why does angular $ http provide headersGetter instead of headers?

When used $http

, callbacks are called using the headers gate. This often leads to the following code:

$http.get('example.json').success(function(data, status, headersGetter, config) {
  var headers = headersGetter();
  // Do stuff


Why is headersGetter passed to the callback and not just headers as an object?


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1 answer

Why is headersGetter passed to the callback and not just headers as an object?

This is explained in the docs as follows:

A getter is a function that returns a view of the model. It is sometimes useful to use this for models that have a different internal representation than what the model exposes for presentation.

Specifically for headersGetter

, being a function, facilitates the following:

This allows you to either get the entire headers object passed in the config, or a specific header value by name (case insensitive).




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