Bash - show suggestions

using Git when I type something like this:

$ git statsu


I get...

git: 'statsu' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean this?


How can I replicate this using Bash?

I could of course do it by making a huge case

out of all the possible transposed letters ... but it will take forever and seems really messy ...

case $1 in


How can I reproduce this behavior in my own program?

(related question here , but it is about setting up git ITSELF to print this post)


source to share

1 answer

(I don't know if this is how git

, but it will work). There is a concept called edit distance that can be used to measure how close two lines are to each other. In this case, you must calculate the edit distance between the input ( statsu

) and each of the possible matches ( status

, commit

, rebase

etc.), and then offer the one who has the minimum edit distance.

The Wagner-Fischer algorithm can be easily, albeit inefficiently, implemented recursively, but it should be fast enough for short strings to be compared for your use case.

# Warning: not tested, but should be close
# return (cost) is in variable wf_cost
wagner_fischer () {
    local t0 t1 t2
    if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
        # Base case 1: first string is empty
    elif [[ -z $2 ]]; then
        # Base case 2: second string is empty
    elif [[ ${1:0:1} == ${2:0:1} ]]; then
        # Strings have identical first characters, recurse on the
        # rest of each string
        wagner_fischer "${1:1}" "${2:1}"
        # Strings have differing first characters; recurse on
        # the rest of each string, but add 1 to the result to accommodate
        # the initial difference.
        # Pick lowest cost of possible operations:
        wagner_fischer "${1:1}" "$2"     # deletion case
        wagner_fischer "${1}" "${2:1}"   # insertion case
        (( t0 < t1 )) && t1=$t0
        wagner_fischer "${1:1}" "${2:1}" # substitution case
        (( t1 < t2 )) && t1=$t2
        (( wf_cost=t1 + 1))


To find the nearest suggestion, you can use the above function like this:

min_cost=65535  # "Infinity"
for choice in status rebase commit; do
    wagner_fischer "$input" "$choice"
    if (( wf_cost < min_cost )); then
echo "You typed $input, did you mean $suggestion?"




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