Java: splitting a string into two different points into 3 parts

First message. Be nice?

Learning Java.

I have a String object "1 Book on wombats at 12.99"

I want to split this line into String[]

OR a ArrayList<String>

separating the line in the first space and around the word "at", so mine String[]

has 3 lines"1"

"Book on wombats"


my current solution:

// private method call from my constructor method
ArrayList<String> fields = extractFields(item);

  // private method
  private ArrayList<String> extractFields (String item) {
  ArrayList<String> parts = new ArrayList<String>();
  String[] sliceQuanity = item.split(" ", 2);
  String[] slicePrice = sliceQuanity[1].split(" at ");
  return parts;


So this works great, but surely there is a more elegant way? maybe with a regex, which is what I'm still trying to figure out.



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4 answers

you can use this template




^        begining of string
(\S+)    caputre anything that is not a white space    
\s       a white space
(.*?)    capture as few as possible
\sat\s   followed by a white space, the word "at" and a white space
(.*)$    then capture anything to the end



This regex will return what you want: ^(\S+)\s(.*?)\sat\s(.*)$



assert position at the beginning of the line.


will match any non-white space.


will match any space character.


will match any character (except newline).


will match any space character again.


matches letters at

literally (case sensitive).


will match any space character again.


will match any character (except newline) and assert position at the end of the line.



Well, it would be easier to just call .split () on the element. Store this array as String [] and then enter the code you want in your String [] into the returned ArrayList. The String.concat () method can also help.



Here is a code snippet to get the String [] result that you requested. Using regex expression suggested in other answers:


is converted to a Java string, escaping each backslash with a different backslash, so they appear twice when the Pattern object is created.

String item = "1 Book on wombats at 12.99";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(\\S+)\\s(.*?)\\sat\\s(.*)$");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(item);
String[] parts = new String[]{,,};




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