How to get dynamically generated input value in spring as a bean

In my project I am dynamically generating a textbox in a table as shown below

project Name Date1 Date2 Date3 Date4 Date5 Activity 
java                                        Development Addnew
C++                                         Development Addnew 


i displays tables for one week. If the user clicks addnew, I generate a dynamic text box below the line where the user clicked the addnew button.

My problem is how to get all the textbox value in my spring controller as a bean class. Because I'm not sure if it is appropriate how many textboxes go into loading and submitting the page.

Any idea would be greatly appreciated !!!


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2 answers

There are not enough specific questions in your question to provide a specific answer. However, a general approach I would recommend.

  • If you have a framework like Backbone or Angular, look into using its collection tools.
  • Write JavaScript that builds a JSON array from all of your text fields
  • Define a POJO in Java that reflects every entry in your array.
  • Make sure you are using Jackson - this maps JSON objects to Java in front of you when your controller is called
  • Define a method in your controller that accepts a POJO list for example. create (list values) with url as / times / {employeeId} using PUT
  • To read from the database, add a method to the controller that returns a POJO list, for example. List of values ​​get (long employeeId) with url as / times / {employeeId} using GET
  • Alternatively, if you want a form that will "live", i.e. "Add new" calls a row in the database to instantly use the REST interface with create, update and DELETE using POST, PUT and DELETE respectively.

I assume you will need to update the list later, so I would recommend a structure with an ID that can be used for CREATE and UPDATE operations, not just a simple list of strings, this will also allow more fields later.

public void Foo {
  private String project;
  private String name;
  private long id;
  // getters + setters


JSON to create

[{"project":"java","name":"Development",id:0}, {"project":"C++","name":"Development",id:0}]


JSON for later update, that is, with identifiers with rounding

[{"project":"java","name":"Development",id:100}, {"project":"C++","name":"Development",id:101}]




Go to the traditional method getParameter()

. I am assuming your textbox will have unique names and generated with jquery


In the controller

   List<String> requestParameterNames = Collections.list((Enumeration<String>) request.getParameterNames());

for (String parameterName : requestParameterNames) {
    String attributeName = parameterName;
    String attributeValue = request.getParameter(parameterName);
    // will have the text box values 





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