Find records that assoicated records do not belong to a specific record

On my system, I have the following structure:

class Worker
  has_many :worker_memberships

class WorkerMembership
  belongs_to :worker
  belongs_to :event

class Event
  has_many :worker_memberships


Imagine I have a certain one @event

. How can I find all workers

that have NOs worker_memberships

belonging to this @event



source to share

3 answers

This is pretty much a synthesis of both of the other answers.

First: stick has_many through

as @TheChamp suggests. You may already be using it, you just forgot to write it, otherwise it just won't work. Well, you've been warned.

I usually try to avoid raw SQL queries in my queries. The above hint select

gives a working solution, but does some unnecessary things like join

when there is no practical need. Thus, avoid poking the association. Not this time.

This is why I prefer has_many through

- has_and_belongs_to_many

in many, many associations: we can query the connection model itself without the raw SQL: @event)


This is not a result yet, but we worker_id

don't need a list . Then we just move that request to "give me everyone but these guys":

Worker.where.not(id: <...> )


So the final request is:

Worker.where.not(id: @event) )


And it issues one request ( @event

with id

equal 1


SELECT `workers`.* FROM `workers` WHERE (`workers`.`id` NOT IN (SELECT `worker_memberships`.`worker_id` FROM `worker_memberships` WHERE `worker_memberships`.`event_id` = 1))


I also give credit to @apneadiving for his solution and hint at mysql2


. SQLite explain

is terrible! My solution, if I read the result correctly explain

, is as effective as @apneadiving's.

@TheChamp also provided performance costs for all response requests. Check out the comments for a comparison.



Try the following:

Worker.where(WorkerMembership.where(" = worker_memberships.worker_id").where("worker_memberships.event_i = ?",


Or shorter and reusable:

class WorkerMembership
  belongs_to :worker
  belongs_to :event

  scope :event, ->(event){ where(event_id: }

 Worker.where(WorkerMembership.where(" = worker_memberships.worker_id").event(


(I took the table and column names from the legend)



Since you want to establish many, many relationships between Worker

and Event

, I would suggest that you use through association .

Your resulting models will be.

class Worker
  has_many :worker_memberships
  has_many :events, :through => :worker_memberships

class WorkerMembership
  belongs_to :worker
  belongs_to :event

class Event
  has_many :worker_memberships
  has_many :workers, :through => :worker_memberships


Now you can simply call @event.workers

to have all workers associated with the event.

To find all workers that don't belong @event

, you can use:

# get all the id of workers associated to the event
@worker_ids =

# get all workers except the ones belonging to the event
Worker.where.not(:id => @worker_ids)


One line

Worker.where.not(:id =>




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