Polymer and angular use together

I am starting to study polymer recently.

I want to hear your opinion if it makes sense to use both polymers and angular together or not, and if the polymer is really ready for production and what is your choice?


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2 answers

Polymer and Angular Together

Yes, of course, both of them can be used independently or together. They are both actually two different things and serve two different purposes, although they do have some common features to offer.

For more details see. It covers more things and talks about how Polymer and Angular can be used as part of the same project.

Polymer for production

With release, Polymer 1.0

they claim it's finished production, and as they do this time around, they focus more on speed and efficiency. As a major change in this release, they've changed shadow dom

to shady dom


Finger Crossed, I also intend to use it in my project. Although I have heard very little about it being used in production by others.



I think yes, this is not a bad choice! For example, I'm trying to use Angular for a small complex service like Auth Token Authentication, and Polymer for others! I want to use the design of materials, and the right choice is Polymer via Paper Element, I tried ngMaterial but not as good as material in Polymer .... so my answer for Moment is Yes!



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