Using startcript.xml in weblogic to generate sh files during domain creation process

I used weblogic for my learning goal and I read in the weblogic documentation that using the startcript.xml file it is possible to update sh and cmd files with sh change and put them in the root of domains during the domain creation process.

For example using the below snapshot in startscript.xml file I can update to set the required GC arguments

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<script type="ext" version="3" path="bin" name="setDomainEnv">
<blockinsert name="section_marker_30">		
		<setenv name="JAVA_OPTIONS" scope="global">
				<value preserve="true">%JAVA_OPTIONS%
					'-Xloggc:${DOMAIN_HOME}/servers/${SERVER_NAME}/logs/gc_${SERVER_NAME}.lg -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails

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The above snippet works and I can see that JAVA_OPTIONS is being updated in, but what I didn't understand is the value of name = section_marker_30. I tried looking through the oracle docs but there seems to be no documentation. can anyone help me figure this out and put me in the right direction?

Thanks VishwanathB


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