What is the server url for Notepad ++ Plugin Manager?

I cannot use Notepad ++ update or plugin manager. I suspected it was a proxy problem, so I added my proxy to the plugin manager settings, but it still doesn't work.

Then I contacted the network administrator and he said he needed the server url in order to add it to the exclusion list. How can I find which server it is trying to connect to?

What is the IP / url connected to the Notepad ++ manager plugins for updates?


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2 answers

According to the creator of the project , the Notepad ++ Plugin Manager update URL is hosted at nppxml.bruderste.in

Hosting moved from *.sourceforge.net

to nppxml.bruderste.in

in October 2016 due to controversy in which Sourceforge began associating adware with installers for abandoned projects .

On the sponsor page for the NP ++ plugins module

Since 2010, the plugin manager has been hosted at Sourceforge.net. They have been a great host for us and have generously supported the large amount of traffic generated by the plugin manager. Put some numbers on traffic, while the plugin list is only 50KB and usually only download it when it changes, each change generates about 500GB of traffic with a constant 200GB of traffic every month.

In 2015, there was some controversy around the SourceForge adware package with abandoned projects. This has since been clarified and we applaud SourceForge for taking the right path in this regard. However, this sparked some discussion and thought about what we can do to transfer the hosting of the list from SourceForge to another provider , and what benefits and disadvantages it might bring. There is something that we cannot easily deal with with the system's sourceforge host, and relying on the goodwill of the website is not a good long-term project. Using a more traditional hosting platform will allow us to address some of the current issues we have with automating list updates and serving a dynamic "bleeding edge" list.

So, I am very grateful to Nexinto for sponsoring the hosting and bandwidth requirements for the Notepad ++ Plugin Manager and hope you can forgive the little logo and link in the plugin, which means we are hosted securely on virtual machines. which we control, and therefore can extend what we do by bringing automatic two-week releases of new plugins to the Plugin Manager.

For reference, the old url was https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/npppluginmgr/xml/plugins.zip



If you are not sure if the problem is with the proxy, but the list of plugins is not displayed, try the following. In the "Plugin Manager, Settings" check the box "Use the list of development plugins (may contain unverified, unverified or uninstallable plugins)

At the moment for v7.5 and v7.6:



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