"Invalid option" when launching Yeoman Webapp + Compass

I'm new to Yeoman and I'm trying to set up south-bootstrap-sass / compass.

I followed this link for building a Yeoman Webapp.

And this is a link in the compass recipe.

When I start the grunt service, I get this: Running Tasks: Compass: Server

Running "compass:server" (compass) task
Verifying property compass.server exists in config...OK
File: [no files]
Options: sassDir="app/styles", cssDir=".tmp/styles", imagesDir="app/images", javascriptsDir="app/scripts", fontsDir="app/styles/fonts", generatedImagesDir=".tmp/images/generated", importPath="bower_components", httpImagesPath="../images", httpGeneratedImagesPath="../images/generated", httpFontsPath="fonts", relativeAssets=false, assetCacheBuster=false, debugInfo
Error: invalid option: --import-path=bower_components

Usage: compass compile [path/to/project] [path/to/project/src/file.sass ...] [options]


I have searched all around to fix the problem with no success. Any help would be deeply appreciated.


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1 answer

Solved by updating Compass ...



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