Problems with the Dart Intl library for translations

I am having problems setting up translation features for localization in a Dart app. I currently have 1 class called basics.dart and all the classes have access to its functionality. Here is the function I want to translate:


String loadingMessage() {
  return  Intl.message(
    "Tickets are currently loading",
    name: "loadingMessage",
    args: [],
    desc: "Tickets are currently loading");



  _p.text = loadingMessage();//'Currently loading the tickets';


This returns the message in English correctly. Now how do I set it up so I can get a French translation?


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1 answer

See the doc of the intl package .

Basically you need to extract messages for translation with:

pub run intl:extract_to_arb --output-dir=target/directory
  my_program.dart more_of_my_program.dart


Then translate the arb files and finally generate the .dart file for the translated posts with:

 pub run intl:generate_from_arb --generated_file_prefix=<prefix> 
  <my_dart_files> <translated_ARB_files>




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