How do I get the next row of an HTML table based on some condition using jQuery?
Ok I'm new to JQuery and I have a requirement to do some manipulation on a table based on rows.
The table consists of rows that belong to 3 different style classes Brand
have category
and category
have products
var table = $("table tbody");
table.find(".brand").each(function(i) {
var $tdsBrand = $(this).find("td"),
brand = $tdsBrand.eq(0).text(),
atyBrand = $tdsBrand.eq(1).text(),
alyBrand = $tdsBrand.eq(2).text();
console.log('Brand Row ' + (i + 1) + ':\nBrand Name: ' + brand + '\nActual TY: ' + atyBrand + '\nActual LY: ' + alyBrand);
var brandClass = $(this).attr("class");
console.log('brand class : ' + brandClass);
if (this row has next row as category) {
//if($( "tr[class='category']" ))) {
//if ("(.band):has(.category)") {
//if ($(this).parents(".category").length == 1) {
table.find(".category").each(function(i) {
var catClass = $(this).attr("class");
console.log('category class : ' + catClass);
var $tdsCategory = $(this).find("td"),
category = $tdsCategory.eq(0).text(),
atyCategory = $tdsCategory.eq(1).text(),
alyCategory = $tdsCategory.eq(2).text();
console.log('Category Row ' + (i + 1) + ':\nCategory Name: ' + category + '\nActual TY: ' + atyCategory + '\nActual LY: ' + alyCategory);
if (This row has next row as product) {
//if(next($( "tr[class='product']" ))) {
//if ("(.category):has(.product)") {
//if ($(this).parents("product").length == 1) {
table.find(".product").each(function(i) {
var proClass = $(this).attr("class");
console.log('product class : ' + proClass);
var $tds = $(this).find("td"),
product = $tds.eq(0).text(),
aty = $tds.eq(1).text(),
aly = $tds.eq(2).text();
console.log('Product Row ' + (i + 1) + ':\nProduct Name: ' + product + '\nActual TY: ' + aty + '\nActual LY: ' + aly);
What I want to do is I have to summarize the actual TY values โโof the products and display them in my category. Then summarize the actual category type (which were calculated based on products for different categories).
Please refer to for a clear understanding of my requirement and the code I've tried so far.
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Just changed your code and it seems to do what you are looking for. See also
I've reworked a bit and renamed some of the variables to make a little more sense, so it should be clear enough now. If you want to calculate the total for a product / category , it should now be very easy.
Here is the JS code:
var $table = $("table tbody");
$table.find(".brand").each(function (brandIndex) {
var $brandRow = $(this);
var $tdsBrand = $(this).find("td");
var brandName = $tdsBrand.eq(0).text();
var atyBrand = $tdsBrand.eq(1).text();
var alyBrand = $tdsBrand.eq(2).text();
console.log('Brand Row ' + (brandIndex + 1) + ':\nBrand Name: ' + brandName + '\nActual TY: ' + atyBrand + '\nActual LY: ' + alyBrand);
var $categoryRows = $brandRow.nextUntil('.brand').filter('.category');
$categoryRows.each(function (categoryIndex) {
var $categoryRow = $(this);
var $tdsCategory = $categoryRow.find("td");
var categoryName = $tdsCategory.eq(0).text();
var atyCategory = $tdsCategory.eq(1).text();
var alyCategory = $tdsCategory.eq(2).text();
console.log('Category Row: ' + (categoryIndex + 1) + ':\nCategory Name: ' + categoryName + '\nActual TY: ' + atyCategory + '\nActual LY: ' + alyCategory);
var $productRows = $categoryRow.nextUntil('.brand, .category').filter('.product');
$productRows.each(function (productIndex) {
var $productRow = $(this);
var $tdProducts = $productRow.find("td");
var productName = $tdProducts.eq(0).text();
var atyProduct = $tdProducts.eq(1).text();
var aly = $tdProducts.eq(2).text();
console.log('Product Row ' + (productIndex + 1) + ':\nProduct Name: ' + productName + '\nActual TY: ' + atyProduct + '\nActual LY: ' + aly);
I played around with the method a bit jQuery nextUntil()
as documentation:
Description: Get all of the following siblings of each element, but not including the element matching the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object passed.
Does this answer your question?
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