Can I run Jasmine + Protractor tests in the browser?

I am preparing an E2E test suite using protractor and jasmine. I am currently running them from the command line using Node. I used to use Jasmine tests with a SpecRunner.html setting that shows the results in the browser as they run, lets you select individual tests or sub-tests of tests to run, etc.

Has anyone configured Jasmine + Protractor tests this way - the output goes to one browser window and the tests run in another browser window?

Alternatively, is there a Jasmine reporter that will provide a similar output format even if I still need to run tests from the command line?


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1 answer

For jasmine2, take a look jasmine2-screenshot-reporter


For jasmine 1:

I used a protractor-html-screenshot-reporter

package that generates good test reports including screenshots:

  • initialize baseDirectory

    inside the function onPrepare


    onPrepare: function() {
          // Add a screenshot reporter and store screenshots to `/tmp/screnshots`:
          jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new HtmlReporter({
             baseDirectory: '/tmp/screenshots'

  • and carefully review the test results in HTML format:

enter image description here

Hope this is what you asked for.



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