How to initialize a table with tables in Lua?

A friend and I are trying to write a sweeping program in Lua using the Löve framework. For now, the code has to check if the checkbox (cell) is checked and then draw it. We are new to Lua, the program now has the disadvantage that it only works in the lower right corner.

UPDATE: I can now see that the values ​​of the initialized GameBoard have the same value (i.e. GameBoard[1]

before GameBoard[150]

- all the same cells).

Here's the code:


has certain global variables:

function love.conf(t)

    -- Global variables.
    CELL_SIZE = 40
    NUM_ROWS = 15
    NUM_COLS = 10
    STATS_HEIGHT = 100
    GRID_WIDTH = 400
    GRID_HEIGHT = 700



Here, the corresponding error code main.lua

(it is wrong in the method of download, which GameBoard

is filled with Cell


--  The Cell table is used for every individual square on 
--  the gameboard
Cell = {}

-- The Gameboard (150 Cell objects)
GameBoard = {}

--  The function new belongs to Cell and spawns a new object (a table)
--  with the same attributes as Cell.
function Cell:new(i, j)

--  each cell knows:
    --  its x- and y-coordinates.
    self.x_min = (i-1) * CELL_SIZE 
    self.x_max = (CELL_SIZE-1) + (i-1) * CELL_SIZE
    self.y_min = STATS_HEIGHT + (j-1) * CELL_SIZE 
    self.y_max = STATS_HEIGHT + (CELL_SIZE-1) + (j-1) * CELL_SIZE

    --  if it is a mine (determined with random number generator)
    isMine =  (math.random(1, 8) % 8 == 0) -- Roughly 0.15 (1/7) times true (is a mine)
    self.isMine = isMine

    --  do not check the mine initially
    self.checked = false

    --  return the cell object
    return self;


--  love.load is a love-function that is called once when the game
--  starts.
function love.load()

    -- The index of the cell on the GameBoard (ranging from 1 to 150)
    local index = 1

    --  Build a two dimensional table of Cell-objects
    for i = 1, NUM_COLS, 1 do
        for j = 1, NUM_ROWS, 1 do       
            GameBoard[ index ] = Cell:new( i, j )
            index = index + 1


As a result, all fields have the values ​​of the lower block with the index 150 (the last with NUM_ROWS * NUM_COLS

= 150). All elements ( Cells

) of table ( GameBoard

) have the same x and y values ​​set in the method Cell:new


It would be helpful if someone could tell us how to properly initialize the table and access it.


source to share

1 answer

In the function Cell:new

, self

there is the table itself Cell

, so you return the same table each time.

An easy fix is ​​to create a new table instead:

function Cell:new(i, j)
    local t = {}

    t.x_min = (i-1) * CELL_SIZE 
    --omit the rest

    return t;


For future improvement, you may be interested in another way that the prototype implements:

function Cell:new(i, j)
    local o = {}
    setmetatable(o, self)
    self.__index = self

    self.x_min = (i-1) * CELL_SIZE 
    --omits rest

    return o;


Read PiL: Object Oriented Programming for more details .



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