Ember CLI: how to force proxy to override http-mock

In the Ember CLI, if the http-mock endpoint is defined, I cannot get the proxy setting to override it. For example:

At the beginning of the project, I run ember CLI like this:

$ ember s --proxy http://localhost:3000


Then my API requests are /api/leads

successfully proxied to http://localhost:3000/api/leads

. But as soon as I add the http-mock, the http-mock will always rule:

$ ember g http-mock leads


Even if I run the Ember CLI with a proxy ( ember s --proxy http://localhost:3000

) setting , the call /api/leads

will always be handled by http-mock and will not be proxied. The only way I can get the proxy to work again is by removing the http-mock links.

Is there a way to force the proxy setting to override the http-mock? I would like to switch between using http-mock and proxy while developing a "real" API, and I was hoping a simple installation --proxy http://localhost:3000

would allow me to do this.


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1 answer

We can use the Node environment variable to disable http-mock. In /server/index.js add this at the top:

  if (process.env.DISABLE_MOCK === 'true')


/server/index.js should now look something like this:

module.exports = function (app) {
  var globSync   = require('glob').sync;
  var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
  var mocks = globSync('./mocks/**/*.js', { cwd: __dirname }).map(require);
  var proxies    = globSync('./proxies/**/*.js', { cwd: __dirname }).map(require);

  if (process.env.DISABLE_MOCK === 'true')

  // other code here


Now if we want to disable the HTTP mock and proxy for all ajax requests, you can start the Ember CLI like this.

$ DISABLE_MOCK=true ember s --proxy http://localhost:3000


This method was borrowed from @rwjblue from here: http://discuss.emberjs.com/t/how-to-disable-http-mock-server-within-environment-config-file/6660/5



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