R: RScript Vector as argument

I am using the pre-installed RScript package in R.

I want to call the following R-Script named "test.R" from the command line:

a <- c("a", "b", "c")

args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
b <- as.vector(args[1])


I am using the following command:

RScript test.R c("d","e","f")


This creates the following output:

[1] "a" "b" "c"
[1] "c(d,e,f)"


As you can see, the first (and only) argument is interpreted as a string and then converted to a one-dimensional vector. How can an argument be interpreted as a vector?

Sidenote: Of course, vector elements can be split into multiple arguments, but my final project will have more than one vector argument. And implementing something like this is my last resort:

RScript test.R "d" "e" "f" END_OF_VECTOR_1 "g" "h" "i" END_OF_VECTOR_2 "j" "k" "l"



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3 answers

You can use comma separated lists.

On the command line:

RScript test.R a,b,c d,e,f g,h,i j


In your code:

vargs <- strsplit(args, ",")
# [[1]]
# [1] "a" "b" "c"
# [[2]]
# [1] "d" "e" "f"
# [[3]]
# [1] "g" "h" "i"
# [[4]]
# [1] "j"




You can clean up something like a = "c(1,2,3)"


as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(substr(a,3,nchar(a)-1), ",")))


which works great as long as the script is always passed in a properly formatted string and you know the expected format. The part c()

does not need to be specified in RScript arguments , just give it a comma separated list.



@flodel thanks for your answer, this is one way to do it. Also, I found a workaround for my problem.

The following code in the file 'test.R' stores the arguments in 'args'. Then the text in 'args' is evaluated against normal R-expressions and the values ​​a and b are given as output.

args <- commandArgs(TRUE)


The code can be called on the command line as follows:

RScript test.R a=5 b=as.vector(c('foo', 'bar'))




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