Window.location.href with POST instead of GET (or equivalent effect)

I would like to reload a web page after providing new parameters to it via POST in the same way as it would be possible with HTML form

, but from within JavaScript (inside the HTML page, but out of context form


Is it possible as an HTTP POST instead of a GET request (kind XMLHttpRequest

plus replace the current document)? How can I replace the document if XMLHttpRequest

should be used (instead of window.location.href

)? The second question is partially answered here .


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1 answer

The way I've always done it (with jquery) is this.

var $form=$(document.createElement('form')).css({display:'none'}).attr("method","POST").attr("action","URLHERE");
var $input=$(document.createElement('input')).attr('name','FIRST NAME HERE').val("FIRST VALUE HERE");
var $input2=$(document.createElemet('input')).attr('name','SECOND NAME HERE').val("SECOND VALUE HERE");




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