Stanford NLP Sentiment, sentences in a new line

I am trying to use Stanford NLP Sentiment Analysis on a file with a new sentence on each line using this command:

C:\Users\alonr\IdeaProjects\stanford-corenlp-full-2014-08-27>java -cp "*" -mx2g
edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment.SentimentPipeline -input TEXT -output PROBABILITIES -file


Unfortunately it doesn't recognize line brakes in the file as suggestion brakes. How can i do this?


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1 answer

The main program is SentimentPipeline

not configured to change offer spreads. However, if you are using Stanford CoreNLP, you can pipe through the main CoreNLP pipeline instead of a flag -ssplit.eolonly


java -cp "*" -mx2g edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP \
    -annotators tokenize,ssplit,pos,parse,sentiment -ssplit.eolonly \
    -inputFile my_input.txt -outputFormat text -outputFile my_file.txt




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