I am running endless PHP Script with a persistent PDO connection like this:

$conn=new PDO(
  'mysql:host=','user','pass', array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true)


The mySQL variable wait_timeout

is equal 28800

and I left the Script idling for 12 hours to test; and the connection is automatically dropped, so I'm assuming the attribute PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT

is being replaced by a system variable wait_timeout


So I was wondering if theres a parameter or other PHP method to keep the connection while PHP Script is running, and if that would be good practice.

My plan B will execute a resourceless mySQL query every 60 minutes until the hours are reset.

OS: 4GB RAM VBS Debian 64-bit SSD


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1 answer

I would suggest you another way to handle situations like this. Whenever you need to run a request in your long running script, make sure the connection exists. Otherwise, reconnect.

    try {
        echo "Testing connection...\n";
        $old_errlevel = error_reporting(0);
        self::$pdo->query("SELECT 1");
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        echo "Connection failed, reinitializing...\n";


You can find a complete class example here . I also suggest that you explicitly close the connection in your script if you know you won't be using it for a long period of time.



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