Windows kid3-cli syntax

I am trying to tag some mp3 and ogg files from windows command line. However, I need to make files one at a time. Try as I could, I can't seem to get the syntax correct. I am using kid3-cli but I would like to use something else. It just needs to run on the Windows command line.

Considering the following:

audio.mp3 audio.ogg

  • id3, vorbis: tag = approximate value
  • TIT2, TITLE: title = Two Words
  • TPE1, ARTIST: Artist - mighty cpa
  • TALB, ALBUM: Album = up
  • TCON, GENRE: Genre = full
  • COMM, COMMENT: Comment = now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their compatriots
  • TYER, DATE: Date = 11/01/2014 (or 2014 is OK, inevitable I guess)
  • TRCK, TRACKNUMBER: Track number = x12345 (can this be done? I need x or or something other than a number)
  • APIC, METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE: Image = x12345.jpg
  • TENC, ENCODEDBY: Encoded-by = gg
  • WOAR, WEBSITE: Website =

1) What is the correct command line syntax to tag each (meaning one) file with this information?

2) how can i get rid of all other tags?

3) how to choose which encoding scheme to use?

4) can this track tag have anything other than a number?

5) what happens to this painting? is it just a name? link? inline image?

I just can't figure it out. Please help! Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

the author / software developer was kind enough to get back to me. I'll share my guide here:

kid3-cli -c 'set title "Two words"' -c 'set artist "mighty cpa"' -c 'set album "up"' -c 'set comment "now it's time for all good men to come to the aid of their compatriots "'-c' set date to 2014 '-c' set track 12345 '-c' set genre" complete "'-c' set image" /path/to/x12345.jpg "'-c' set encoded-by" blahblah "'-c' set Website" "'audio.mp3

and the same for ogg.mps

Please note that the track only allows numbers, and ID3v1.1 is 255.

For the "date" tag, according to the author / developer, while the ISO format should allow YYYY-MM-DD, kid3 does not. He will study it.

The kid3-cli software also reveals this when you run it in HELP mode:

Usage: kid3-cli [-c command1] [-c command2 ...] [path ...]

However, it didn't seem to me that the command syntax

-c 'SET TAG "new value"

Hope this helps someone in turn.



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