RegEx does not match string in production, however works on tester

I have the following line: /v0/lifts/0626df905120f6d6/refs/8f23576e6838b528

. I'm trying to get a third of the URL string, so I wrote the following a RegEx: /([^/]*)\w+/g

. According to Regexr, this should match all parts of the URL .

Then, with Javascript, I tried to access the element of the third array:

var key = /([^/]*)\w+/g.exec('/v0/lifts/0626df905120f6d6/refs/8f23576e6838b528')[2];


However, it happens to be undefined. If you print the result (as JSON) you get ["v0","v"]


Any ideas what's wrong?


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1 answer

The first thing wrong is using the wrong tool for the job.

Just split by /

, you don't need regexes.

'/v0/lifts/0626df905120f6d6/refs/8f23576e6838b528'.split('/')[3]; //0626df905120f6d6


Now, if you want to use a regular expression, use match


'/v0/lifts/0626df905120f6d6/refs/8f23576e6838b528'.match(/([^/]*)\w+/g) //["v0", "lifts", "0626df905120f6d6", "refs", "8f23576e6838b528"]



useful only when you have multiple capture groups per match.



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