How to make a dictionary from a list of tuples?

How can I make a dictionary from a list like this:

list = [('a', [10,3]), ('a', [30,20]), ('b', [96,45]), ('b', [4,20])]


As a result, I want:

dict = { 'a':[10,3,30,20], 'b':[96,45,4,20] }



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2 answers

You can use collections.defaultdict

for this:

>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> lst = [('a', [10,3]), ('a', [30,20]), ('b', [96,45]), ('b', [4,20])]
>>> dct = defaultdict(list)
>>> for x, y in lst:
...     dct[x] += y
>>> dct
defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'a': [10, 3, 30, 20], 'b': [96, 45, 4, 20]})


Or, if you want to avoid imports, try dict.setdefault


>>> lst = [('a', [10,3]), ('a', [30,20]), ('b', [96,45]), ('b', [4,20])]
>>> dct = {}
>>> for x, y in lst:
...     dct.setdefault(x, []).extend(y)
>>> dct
{'a': [10, 3, 30, 20], 'b': [96, 45, 4, 20]}




This also works: (assumes your items are already sorted by key. If not, then just use sortedi(items)


from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

items = [('a', [10,3]), ('a', [30,20]), ('b', [96,45]), ('b', [4,20])]
d = dict((key, sum((list_ for _key, list_ in group), []))
    # for each group create a key, value tuple. with the value being the
    # concatenation of all the lists in the group. eg. [10, 3] + [30, 20]
    for key, group in groupby(items, itemgetter(0)))
    # group elements in items by the first item in each element




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