Protractor / Chrome - UnknownError: Process has not exited yet, so no result is available

Trying to run the Protractor test, but when trying to test in Chrome, I get the following command line error.

UnknownError: The process has not exited yet therefore no result is available ...


The test runs successfully in Firefox, i.e. when the protractor.conf.js file is set as such:

capabilities: {
    'browserName': 'firefox'


I'm currently using ChromeDriver 2.10, which seems to have something to do with the issue ( ). However, I don't understand how to configure Protractor to use a different version of ChromeDriver.


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1 answer

So going back to ChromeDriver 2.9 was as easy as downloading it here ( ) and extracting the zip into /usr/local/lib/node_modules/protractor/selenium


This fixed the immediate issue of not being able to run the test in Chrome. Still waiting for a commit at 2.10.



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