How to set header part in Matlab2014b to use Latex interpreter

I understand that using for example title( '$$\mathcal{A}$$','FontSize',23','Interpreter', 'LaTeX')

we can change the matlab interpreter to latex. But I was wondering if it is possible to change the interpreter for only a part of the header, for example, in title('some text $$\mathcal{A}$$')

only \mathcal{A}

interpreted by the Latex interpreter, and some text interpreted by the default interpreter.


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1 answer

I would suggest setting the first part of the latex line to resemble the default MatLab settings, but Mathworks has removed some fonts from the interpreter , so you can try to check if that works (it gives a warning for me):

title('\sf{some text} $$\mathcal{A}$$','FontSize',23,'Interpreter', 'LaTeX');




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