NgIf times with angular

I am using tabs in an Angular application using ngIf to lazy load directives and controls within them when users need it. The problem is that I don't want to recreate the tab if users navigate through it, and for that purpose I use this trick to initialize the tab only once and show it when the users are needed then:

<button ng-click="!">Toggle tab</div>

<div ng-if=" || tab.initialized" ng-show="" ng-init="tab.initialized=true">
tab content


What I want to achieve is to implement this behavior with a custom directive, such ng-if-once=""

as reusing the core ngIf and ngShow directives if possible. Any ideas?


This is my workaround, but ngIf keeps working after the correct value is set:

app.directive('ngIfOnce', ['ngIfDirective', 'ngShowDirective', function (ngIfDirective, ngShowDirective) {
var ngIf = ngIfDirective[0];
var ngShow = ngShowDirective[0];

return {
    transclude: ngIf.transclude,
    priority: ngIf.priority,
    terminal: ngIf.terminal,
    restrict: ngIf.restrict,
    link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) {
        $attr.ngIf = $attr.ngShow = $attr['ngIfOnce'];

        var unregisterWatcher = $scope.$watch($attr.ngIf, function (newVal) {
            if (newVal) {
                $attr.ngIf = true;
        });, arguments);, arguments);



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1 answer

This might be a possible solution:

myApp.directive("ngIfOnce", function () {
return {
    restrict: 'A',
    transclude: true,
    template: "<span ng-show='originalNgIf' ng-if='initialized' ng-transclude></span>",
        ngIfOnce: '='
    link: function (scope, attr) {
        console.log( scope.ngIfOnce );            
        scope.$watch('ngIfOnce', function (newVal, oldVal) {
            console.log("changed" + newVal);
            scope.originalNgIf = newVal;
            if (scope.initialized === undefined && scope.originalNgIf === true) scope.initialized = true;





It translates the content of ngIfOnce and executes ngIf only once, while ngShow is executed every time the variable passed as an attribute changes



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