TabView surface with tabbed composite component

I want to use PrimeView TabView component to display data from our server in tabs. I need three tabs to display three tables with different data.

It works if I write:

    // <p:dataTable> logic comes here
    // and here


My problem is that the dataTable logic is more or less the same for every tab. I don't like this type of code duplication, so I would like to create a custom tab that works like this:


  <my:customTab dataToDisplay="#{myBean.dataSet1}">
  <my:customTab dataToDisplay="#{myBean.dataSet2}">


But so far I have not succeeded in implementing a composite component that works. My approach is to create a separate customTab.xhtml file using this code


<ui:composition // namespace definitions
    ... >
    <composite:attribute name="dataToDisplay" />
      // dataTable logic comes here


However, the tabView component does not show any tabs. This is probably the case because JSF will draw a separate component for each of my: customTab-Tag. This way the tabView will not see that there is a p: tab inside my: customTab. What do I need to do to make the TabView recognize the p: tab tab inside my: customTab?


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1 answer

          <ui:include src="datatabletemplate.xhtml">
             <ui:param name="data" value="#{data1}"/>
        <ui:include src="datatabletemplate.xhtml">
             <ui:param name="data" value="#{data2}"/>
         <ui:include src="datatabletemplate.xhtml">
             <ui:param name="data" value="#{data3}"/>


I think this would be a quick and easy solution to the problem. Without custom components, # {data1} can be an integer bean or just a value for a datatable (or you can add additional parameters as well)



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