Invalid service in Apache Tomcat WebService

I am getting faulty services in apache tomcat webservice after adding this method to the webservice:

public String getAllEvent() {
    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
    try {
        Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(
                "jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydb", "root", "root");

        PreparedStatement statement = con
                .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM event");
        ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery();

        while ( {
            JSONObject eventInfo = new JSONObject();
            eventInfo.put("eventID", result.getString("eventID"));
            eventInfo.put("eventName", result.getString("eventName"));
            eventInfo.put("eventDesc", result.getString("eventDesc"));
            eventInfo.put("eventDate", result.getString("eventDate"));
            eventInfo.put("eventTime", result.getString("eventTime"));
            eventInfo.put("eventX", result.getString("eventX"));
            eventInfo.put("eventY", result.getString("eventY"));
            eventInfo.put("eventBy", result.getString("eventBy"));
        String jsonStr = jsonArray.toString();
        return jsonStr;

    catch (JSONException je) {
        return null;
    } catch (Exception exc) {

    return jsonArray.toString();


For this method, I am passing the data retrieved from the database to JSON. After I added it, when I start the web service on the server, I get the following error:

Faculty Services:
C:\Users\Desktop\Eclipse EE\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp1\wtpwebapps\SplashWebService\WEB-INF\services\SplashWebService


The webservice works fine after I removed this method. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


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