Can't start process with Symfony2 process component using XAMPP on windows

I want to use phantomjs to generate a PDF of the current website. The generated command line is correct! The PATH variable is correct because if I copy it to the CMD window everything works fine, but php has some problem.

The script failed to rasterize. CommandLine: "phantomjs" "C: / xampp / htdocs / excitingfit / app /../ web / bundles / padam87rasterize / js / rasterize.js" "localhost / excitingfit / web / app_dev.php / bundles / padam87rasterize / temp / rasterize -54579a69e9c31.html "" C: / xampp / htdocs / excitingfit / app /../ web / bundles / padam87rasterize / temp \ rasterize-54579a69e9c31.pdf "" pdf "ExitCode: 1 ErrorOutput: Der Befehl" phantom entwejs "" is falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden.


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