The first velocity.js animation is ignored

I have an element that I want to transition to a specific state (transform: scale (1) and opacity: 1) using velocity.js. The initial state is set in css (transform: scale (.9) and opacity: 0).

The first time I do this, the animation just doesn't happen (on first boot). After closing it (setting it back to its original state), the transition works perfectly when I call it again.

I made a codepen as an example:

   scale: 1,
   opacity: 1


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1 answer

Velocity.js uses Forcefeeding, so your values ​​in your stylesheet are ignored. See the documentation on force entry for details .

Initial values ​​are passed as the second or third element in the array:

$('.js-info-button-open').on('click', function() {
        scale: [1, 0.9],
        opacity: [1, 0]
    }, {
        display: 'block',
        easing: [0, 0, 0, 4],
        duration: 1000




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