How to create pandas framework in python from csv with extra delimiters?

I have a large csv (about 400k lines) that I want to turn into a dataframe in python. The original file has two columns: a text column followed by an int (or NAN) column.


P-X1-6030-07-A01    368963
P-X1-6030-08-A01    368964
P-X1-6030-09-A01    368965
P-A-1-1011-14-G-01  368967
P-A-1-1014-01-G-05  368968
P-A-1-1017-02-D-01  368969


I want to further split a text column into a series of columns following a pattern of the last three lines of example text ( P A 1 1017 02 D 01 368969

for example)

Noting that a textbox can have different formatting ( P-X1

vs P-X-1

) how can this be accomplished?


source to share

1 answer

First try

The spec for read_csv

specifies that it accepts a regular expression, but that seems to be wrong. After checking the source, it seems it just takes a series of characters that it can use to populate the character set, and then +

, so the sep arguments below will be used to create a regex like

`[- ]+`. 


Import required libraries to recreate:

import pandas as pd
import StringIO


You can use aset characters as delimiters, parsing inconsistent strings is not possible with pd.read_csv

, but if you want to parse them separately:

pd.read_csv(StringIO.StringIO('''P-X1-6030-07-A01    368963
P-X1-6030-08-A01    368964
P-X1-6030-09-A01    368965'''), sep=r'- ') # sep arg becomes regex, i.e. `[- ]+`



pd.read_csv(StringIO.StringIO('''P-A-1-1011-14-G-01  368967
P-A-1-1014-01-G-05  368968
P-A-1-1017-02-D-01  368969'''), sep=r'- ')


But read_csv doesn't seem to be able to use real regex for the delimiter.

Final decision

This means that we need a custom solution:

import re
import StringIO
import pandas as pd

txt = '''P-X1-6030-07-A01    368963
P-X1-6030-08-A01    368964
P-X1-6030-09-A01    368965
P-A-1-1011-14-G-01  368967
P-A-1-1014-01-G-05  368968
P-A-1-1017-02-D-01  368969'''

fileobj = StringIO.StringIO(txt)

def df_from_file(fileobj):
    takes a file object, returns DataFrame with columns grouped by 
    contiguous runs of either letters or numbers (but not both together)
    # unfortunately, we must materialize the data before putting it in the DataFrame
    gen_records = [re.findall(r'(\d+|[A-Z]+)', line) for line in fileobj]
    return pd.DataFrame.from_records(gen_records)

df = df_from_file(fileobj)


and now returns df:

   0  1  2     3   4  5   6       7
0  P  X  1  6030  07  A  01  368963
1  P  X  1  6030  08  A  01  368964
2  P  X  1  6030  09  A  01  368965
3  P  A  1  1011  14  G  01  368967
4  P  A  1  1014  01  G  05  368968
5  P  A  1  1017  02  D  01  368969




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