CKAN / Jetty / Solr: ERROR 500: org / apache / tomcat / util / descriptor / LocalResolver

I am installing ckan on ubuntu 14.04 server from source by following this tutorial:

The problem I'm running into is that when I try to access solr locally, I get the following error:

ERROR 500: org/apache/tomcat/util/descriptor/LocalResolver.


I have searched google and tried to change libtomcatlib-6 to a previous version, but there will be no top-down (after this apt-get says no version was found). Does anyone have any idea?

jetty solr ckan

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2 answers

If you get the following error message when you open the Solr page in your browser:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tomcat/util/descriptor/LocalResolver


Then run the following commands:

sudo sh -c 'echo /usr/share/java/tomcat-coyote.jar >> /etc/jetty/start.config'
sudo service jetty restart


Then reload the page and you will see the Solr administration interface.

(I assume that you've installed Solr with Jetty in accordance with the instructions for installing the source, ie sudo apt-get install solr-jetty openjdk-6-jdk

. NoClassDefFoundError

Due to a problem with the package Ubuntu 14.04).


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CKAN does not support Ubuntu 14.04 yet, there are a number of issues; Install on Ubuntu 12.04. Having said that, there is a pull request here with instructions on how to install the source for 14.04:


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