Swift Generics will not generate generic data when using inheritance

I have classes Alpha

and Berry


class Alpha { }
class Berry : Alpha { }


I have a function that uses inheritance within it generic:

func myFunc<T : Alpha>(v:T) -> T {
    return T()


I call myFunc like this:



In my project, the returned object is of type Alpha

, not type Berry

. Is this a compiler bug or is it just something I don't understand about generics?


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1 answer

What are you trying to achieve is passing an instance from Berry

and getting another instance Berry


If so, the following code should work:

class Alpha {

    required init() { } // ← YOU NEED THIS

    func printme() {
        println("I'm alpha")
class Berry : Alpha {
    override func printme() {
        println("I'm berry")

func myFunc<T:Alpha>(v:T) -> T {
    return v.dynamicType()
// This also works:
func myFunc<T: Alpha>(v:T) -> T {
    return (T.self as T.Type)()

let a = myFunc(Berry())
a.printme() // -> I'm berry


required init() { }

it is necessary that all classes derived from Alpha

have an init()

initializer. Here is a related Q / A: Swift generics non-persistent type

If you want to pass Berry

as a type and get a new instance Berry

try this:

class Alpha {
    required init() { }
    func printme() {
class Berry : Alpha {
    override func printme() {

func myFunc<T:Alpha>(v:T.Type) -> T {
    return v()

let a = myFunc(Berry)




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